Sample Quiz

  • Due No due date
  • Points 0
  • Questions 0
  • Time Limit None
  • Allowed Attempts Unlimited


objectives (1)-1.pngModule Objectives

This is where you would include either the objectives from the module or the objectives for the assignment. What do you want to see that students understand or know how to do?

readings (1).png Quiz Details

This is where you can provide any extra instructions for students including how many attempts they have, if there is a time limit, and whether or not students will be able to see their answers after submission. 



*Instructors Note*

On this page, you have a lot of options for quizzes. I suggest having your assignment groups set up so you can categorize it correctly so it will show up as being weighted correctly for students.  A graded quiz is a regular quiz where the grade they get on this quiz goes in as a grade in the grade book.  A practice quiz gives students a score, but that score does not get recorded in the grade book.  A graded survey gives students points in the grade book for simply submitting the quiz regardless of their performance, and an ungraded survey does not count for any points in the grade book.  If you are giving students multiple attempts, I would not select that students can see the correct answers after their submission, and you have a choice to not show students what answers they submitted at all. You can also choose to show the correct answers at a certain date, which is a good idea if you want to release the answers past the due date once you are no longer accepting submissions. I would be careful about using the filter IP address and access code settings, as they can often cause problems for students to access which might mean more troubleshooting with students for you! 


Only registered, enrolled users can take graded quizzes