Course Syllabus


College of Education

Department of [ Name]

[Course Number and Name]



Watch this short video if you'd like to print this syllabus

Day and Time: (Please see options below)

  1. Face to Face classes – list day/time
  2. Hybrid Classes – list Hybrid and day/time for any face-to-face and synchronous sessions
  3. For online – list Online followed by Synchronous (and include day/time) OR Asynchronous OR Bichronous (both Synchronous and Asynchronous) and include day/time for synchronous sessions




Office hours: Three hours are required

Synchronous Meeting Times[i]:

Technical Support

Course Information

Common Syllabi Elements

College-wide information, university resources, policies, and required syllabi elements can be found on our COE website

Program Specific Outcomes

Add here

If listing, make sure you select  LIST PARAGRAPH from the Styles guide

Course Catalog Description


Course Prerequisites/ Corequisites


Student Learning Goals and Related Objectives

At the completion of this course, students will be able to:

  1. Make sure you are using a list paragraph from the styles guide


National Standards Alignment

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Course Materials

Required Texts


Other Required Materials


Recommended Materials



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Course Communication and Response Time

Instructor’s Note and suggested languageAll course announcements and individual emails are sent through Canvas, which only uses CSUF email accounts. Therefore, you MUST check your CSUF email on a regular basis (several times a week) for the duration of the course.

For online/hybrid instructors you should also indicate how often you will be online, and alternate communication options.

Please include a statement including how quickly the instructor responds to email questions and online assignments (usually within 48 hours except for weekends), how often the instructor will be online, and alternate communication options.

Emergency Communication

Campus emergency communication is done via voice message, text, and/or email.  Go to your Portal to review your contact information.

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Grading and Attendance Policies

Grading Policy and Grading Standards for the Course

Instructor’s  Note:  Specify whether plus/minus grading will be used in your course.

For Online/Hybrid classes specify the following for online activities:

  • How participation in online activities will be assessed and graded (e.g., participation in chat sessions, frequency of web access, postings, etc.)
  • Whether and how the instructor will track student online activities, for example, by maintaining a copy/log of online discussions and chat sessions, etc.
  • Deadlines for posting and due dates (dates and times)Attendance/Participation



Extra Credit Options

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Assignment Policies and Procedures

Late Assignments and Course Deadlines

(required) sample text below

One late assignment is allowed during the semester and will be reduced 10% each day after the assignment due date (up to 50%) unless approval for late work is given in advance. Late assignments and forms will be accepted up to one week after the original due date, no more. Discussion posts will not be accepted late.

Assignment Descriptions

Class assignments include papers (number, length, due dates, etc.) and required projects (group/individual). Detailed assignment instructions and rubrics are often included.

Alternative Procedure for Submitting Work

(required for online/hybrid)  Please note alternative procedures for submitting work in the event of technical problems. Sample text is below.

In case of technical difficulties with the learning management system (LMS) Canvas, the instructor will communicate with students directly through CSUF email, and assignments can be sent through email, faxed, or mailed to the Department of Secondary Education. In the case email doesn’t work, students should call the department coordinator at 657-278-XXXX for further direction.

Policy on Retention of Student Work[iii]

(recommended) sample text below

Student work submitted for this course shall be retained by the University or its academic employees for a reasonable time after the semester is completed.


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Technical and Online Information

Technical Requirements and Expectations

(required for Online/Hybrid)   This will depend on the course and department requirements. This should include hardware and software requirements. Please include technical competencies expected or required of the students. Sample text follows.

Students are expected to

  1. Have basic computer competency, which includes:
    • the ability to use a personal computer to locate, create, move, copy, delete, name, rename, and save files and folders on hard drives, secondary storage devices such as USB drives, and cloud such as Google Drive (Titan Apps) and Dropbox;
    • the ability to use a word processing program to create, edit, format, store, retrieve, and print documents;
    • the ability to use their CSUF email accounts to receive, create, edit, print, save, and send an email message with and without an attached file; and
    • the ability to use an Internet browser such as Chrome, Safari, Firefox, or Internet Explorer to search and access websites on the World Wide Web.
  2. Have ongoing reliable access to a computer with Internet connectivity for regular course assignments
  3. Utilize a recent version of Microsoft® Office 2019 (for PC) or 2020 (for Mac), including Word, PowerPoint, and Excel, to learn content and communicate with colleagues and faculty; have the ability to regularly print assignments or Microsoft Office 365
  4. Maintain and access three times weekly their CSUF student email account
  5. Use Internet search and retrieval skills to complete the assignment
  6. Apply their educational technology skills to complete expected competencies
  7. Utilize other software applications as course requirements dictate
  8. Utilize the learning management system (LMS) Canvas to access course materials and complete assignments

Software for Students


Did you know you can get FREE and low-cost software for being an active CSUF student? Software downloads and request forms can be found on the CSUF Student Software website.

Synchronous/Asynchronous/Hybrid Instruction

Instructors Note – Please use the following to designate your course modality:

W = Web, Fully Online

N = Web, Mostly Online (50% - 99% online)

H = Web, Hybrid Mostly in-person (21% - 49% online)

P = In Person (0-20% online)

Asynchronous = online with no specific days/times required

Synchronous = online with specific days/times required

Bichronous = a combination of asynchronous and synchronous instruction

Netiquette Requirements

(required for Online/Hybrid)

Insert information regarding appropriate online behavior. Sample text is included below.

Each student is expected to conduct themselves professionally during the class - taking full advantage of the learning opportunities available. This includes completing all online discussions and assignments, adhering to proper netiquette, and so on. Netiquette is a set of behaviors appropriate for online activity - especially with email and threaded discussions. The core rules of netiquette can be found on the Netiquette website. Please read through these netiquette rules to ensure that you are familiar with what will be the expected online behavior for this course.

The Learning Management System (LMS) Canvas

(Recommended) sample language below

As a registered student, you are enrolled in the Learning Management System (LMS) Canvas. You may access Canvas for all your classes by clicking on your student portal, found on the CSUF website. There is a student resource guides for Canvas. Problems? Contact the student help desk at (657) 278-8888 or email Student IT HelpDesk.


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Course and University Policies

Policies on the University Information and Student Policies Website include:

  • Students with Special Needs
  • Academic Dishonesty Policy 
  • Emergency Preparedness
  • Undergraduate Student Learning Goals
  • General Education: Programmatic Student Learning Goals and Learning Outcomes (Note: Specific GE Course Objectives must be detailed in the syllabus)
  • Graduate Student Learning Goals
  • Student Learning Outcomes by Degree Programs
  • Library Support
  • Final Exams Schedule


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Student Support Services

University Learning Center

(recommended) sample language below

The University Learning Center aims to provide all CSUF students with academic support in an inviting and contemporary environment. The staff of the University Learning Center will assist students with their academic assignments, general study skills, and computer user needs. The ULC staff work with all students from diverse backgrounds in most undergraduate general education courses, including those in science and math, humanities and social sciences, and other subjects. They offer one-to-one peer tutoring, online writing review, and many more services. More information can be found on the University Learning Center website.

Writing Center

(recommended) sample language below

The Writing Center offers 30-minute, one-on-one peer tutoring sessions and workshops to assist with all written assignments and student writing concerns. Writing Center services are available to students from all disciplines. Registration and appointment schedules are available at the Writing Center Appointment Scheduling System. Walk-in appointments are also available on a first-come, first-served basis. More information can be found on the  Writing Center webpage. The Writing Center is located on the first floor of the Pollak Library. Their phone number is (657) 278-3650.


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Course Schedule

A list (see below) is recommended for ATI compliance. Note: the list below has three heading levels.

For online/hybrid courses, please indicate (again) any dates that there is synchronous instruction.

Week 1, Month and Day



Assignments Due


Reading Assignments


Week 2, Month and Day



Assignments Due


Reading Assignments


Week 3, Month and Day



Assignments Due


Reading Assignments


Week 4, Month and Day



Assignments Due


Reading Assignments


Week 5, Month and Day



Assignments Due


Reading Assignments


Week 6, Month and Day



Assignments Due


Reading Assignments


Week 7, Month and Day



Assignments Due


Reading Assignments


Week 8, Month and Day



Assignments Due


Reading Assignments


Week 9, Month and Day



Assignments Due


Reading Assignments


Week 10, Month and Day



Assignments Due


Reading Assignments


Week 11, Month and Day



Assignments Due


Reading Assignments


Week 12, Month and Day



Assignments Due


Reading Assignments


Week 13, Month and Day



Assignments Due


Reading Assignments


Week 14, Month and Day



Assignments Due


Reading Assignments


Week 15, Month and Day



Assignments Due


Reading Assignments


Week 16, Final Exam

(if required by the instructor: UPS 300.005)


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[i] From UPS 411.104 For hybrid and online instruction courses with required course meetings, the syllabus will indicate the dates and times of all required on-campus or synchronous meeting sessions. Since students taking hybrid or online instruction courses with required course meetings will likely expect and plan for meetings to occur on the dates listed in the syllabus, alterations to class meeting dates should be done with at least two weeks’ notice and generally should be avoided.

[ii] Review UPS 411.201

[iii] Review UPS 320.005


Course Summary:

Date Details Due